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California's First Surgeon General is a Black Woman

Dr. Nadine Burke Harris

Governor Gavin Newsom named the doctor as California’s first ever for the role.

Newsom said in a news release that Dr. Nadine Burke Harris will focus on combating the root causes of serious health conditions and use her office to reach young families across the state.

As a pediatrician, entrepreneur and nonprofit CEO, Dr. Burke Harris has dedicated her professional career to understanding the link between adverse childhood experiences and toxic stress in children, and the effect both have on future health outcomes.

The Center for Youth Wellness (CYW), which she founded, leads advances in pediatric medicine and wellness and raises public awareness around children’s health and trauma.

The doctor serves in a number of capacities, including as a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ National Advisory Board for Screening. Dr. Burke Harris will be sworn in as Surgeon General on February 11.

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