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Real Men Wear Pajamas


Yes, pajama parties went out of style in fourth grade, but there’s something super cool about the modern but classic looking silk, satin, or cotton PJs that you gotta dig. For one, you got room to move in ‘em. And if you live with roommates or your parents and sibs (no shade, dude) it’s nice to know you won’t accidentally run into someone naked on the way to the bathroom.

Classic PJs will never steer you wrong. And you’ve got options now: choose a lively print, stripes, or an elegant solid. Undo a couple of buttons at the top to show off those pecs, skip the shirt altogether, or layer over a fitted tank. No matter your style, you can find a PJ set that’ll unleash your sexy beast. Bonus: they’re comfy AF and someone will always be willing to take them off you.

Photography by Alex D. Rogers @alexdrogersstudio
Styling by Troi Anthoni @kingtroi
Grooming by Makayla Webb @maquillage_makayla
Modeled by Ivan, Matthew, Aliou, Rowan, and Akari of St. Claire Models @demantistclaire

Tags: Fashion

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